TOPS Week 15

 This has been a pretty busy week. It started out with my Mother's Day gift, backpacking Angleworm. We only did a quick overnight trip, but it was wonderful. The weather was perfect. We didn't do a ton of miles, but it felt good to be on dirt again.

While backpacking, it's easy to choose carb filled foods. The truth is, eating poorly is often synonymous with hiking. Snacks are often crackers. Popping candy after a tough climb is pretty normal. Lunches are filled tortilla  works of art and dinners look more like a poor college student's pantry choices. 

While planning out my SHT hike last year, I researched healthier options. I found a company that makes backpacking meals that are more Paleo/Keto friendly. I finally got to eat one this trip and it was SO good! Breakfast was an egg skillet meal and my snacks were nuts and dried fruit. All wins in my book!

My week was filled with good choices. I was incredibly active and I ate well. My weight fluctuated a lot this week. It ranged from 3 or 4 pounds lost to 1 or 2 pounds lost. I paid way too much attention to it this week, but I was curious what affect the higher mileage days would have on my body.

This morning I needed to run before I went to TOPS. I have been incredibly busy this last week, only stopping to eat. Between teaching the kids, running them to events, finishing getting our stuff out of the other house, making room at this house for the rest of our junk, dealing with a basement with water, getting ready for VBS, and going through ALL our things for a garage sale, I'm spent. I've barely even had time to work. Thankfully, I sleep with the boss and he has had a first hand view of how I'm running around with my head cut off and has let my negligence slide as much as he can. 

All of that to say, I am proud of how well I dealt with all this stress. I didn't overeat. I didn't eat poorly. I never even wanted sweets and I have been more active than any of the past weeks since starting this current journey. 

So I stepped on the scale after my run this morning, curious as to what running ahead of my meeting would do to my weight. 

I then stepped on it again.

And again.

And one more time. 

It showed a 4 pounds gain from when I woke up. 


I showered, went to the bathroom, and weighed again.

I was up another half pound.

Our group allows us to skip weighing in one week. We can still go to the meeting and are counted as excused, but don't get to join in on any of the perks.

This week I exercised that right. If we didn't have that, I wouldn't have gone. I would have stayed home and pouted and fretted about the stupid scale showing a gain that wasn't real. 

By the time I got to the meeting and entered my "excused, not weighing -in today" choice I was full of curiosity as to what their scale would say. It showed about a pound gained. Not bad, but still not accurate. I'm glad I chose to skip a weigh-in. This is something that could derail me pretty easily, but knowing I made wise, healthy choices all week should hopefully keep me on track. 


Next week I'm hoping to continue cutting back on the amount of salt I use and to up my cardio.

BTW- my home scale now shows I've lost 3 pounds. 

Stupid scales.


  1. I threw my scale away in 1993 and didn’t buy another until this year. It was a bad move as it makes me hyper focused on the numbers. Your experience is proof that scales are the devil! Anyway, you did a great job and didn’t let the scale derail you!

    1. I've definitely had to learn the purpose of the scale and use it wisely, as I would any tool. Today has been harder than I thought it would be,I didn't realize how much I need that number validation. 😢😢

  2. You are doing great daughter!! keep it up it will pay off xoxox love you!! an inspiration to us all!


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