Mid week

 Yesterday was hard. I was wanting ALL the things. Going to the grocery store was like walking through a civil war movie battlefield. Pudding, cookies, cakes, chocolate, Pop Tarts, everything I'm trying to avoid were practically jumping off the shelves begging me to buy them. 

I'm down about the loose skin happening on my body. It looks terrible. I'm entering the stage where my muscle is getting more defined, but it's all under a bunch of fat and the fat is starting to just hang. I know I should be happy about the muscle, but it makes me want to eat. 

I'm staying away from the scale. Stepping on it last week was a major setback. I became obsessed.

I don't feel as if I'm doing well with weight loss this week and therefore I'm wanting to eat away my frustration. 

I didn't exercise at all on Friday or Saturday. Life was too busy and I'm sure that has led to my current mindset. 

Enough bad.

Good things: Bra size is still shrinking. I can wear a pair of smaller sized jeans comfortably. I don't even think twice about getting up out of a chair anymore. I can run up the stairs. I feel stronger. Curt can wrap his arms around me even more which feels oh, so good. 


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