November 3- I can't do it on my own

 "For since he himself has suffered when he was tempted, he is able to help those who are tempted." Hebrews 2:18

Truth #2: I have help readily available if I'll just seek it. 

A food addiction seems pretty low on the scale of things that I'd need to seek help for, but the truth is, anything that controls me is my god.

That's a sobering thought. 

To make things worse, food is an addiction that you can't just quit cold turkey. Food is necessary for survival. I can't just walk away from eating and never buy it again, or never step foot near somewhere that would cause me to be tempted to partake. Stopping this addiction the way a person would smoking doesn't work. You have to eat to live. 

And I like food. 

But my issue is much deeper than just liking food. Much deeper than needing a "fix" when I'm struggling with the kids midafternoon. Deeper than portion control. 

It's rebellion. 

I may need Jesus to knock the food out of my hands, but first I need Him to fix my heart of rebellion and pride. 


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