TOPS Week 32

 When I woke up this morning, I knew I was good with whatever the scale showed. I made good choices this week and my clothing is reflecting that. I'm super pleased to have lost 1.4 pounds. 

There's been a lot to report and I'm not sure I can do it in a cohesive way, so this may seem pretty scattered, but it all plays a role in my current condition.

I went to the doctor a couple weeks ago and after listening to my symptoms he prescribed me Zoloft. I was hoping it was simply my hormones out of whack or maybe my thyroid, but everything pointed towards depression. He ran some blood work just to be sure, but after being on Zoloft for a couple weeks now, I can clearly see he is correct in his diagnosis. I am no longer experiencing the extreme lows I was having before and I feel more in control of my emotions and more like myself. I don't know how long it's been since I felt like "me." More importantly, I'm no longer feeling the need to shove food in my mouth everytime I feel a little stress. I was concerned it was a fluke, but after 2 weeks of these same results, I feel like it is safe to attribute the change to getting my brain on track. 

I've been listening to a book called Atomic Habits. I was introduced to the book through a program my sister set me up with for healthy eating. This has been a HUGE inspiration for me. I'm not done with it yet, so I'll wait to give insight, but it is revolutionizing my thinking. So far, I highly recommend it. I'm giving a small presentation on the book to my TOPS group in December (I think. I can't remember now-lol). 

The biggest news to hit the Ebert household is the orthodontic work that's been happening. My poor baby girl was in some severe pain last night and this morning, but she *was* excited to get these finally put on. Hopefully her excitement will return. 

And finally... I am officially wearing a size smaller jean! I'm holding onto the bigger size simply because I need clothing to wear, but I can't wait until I can burn this size. ❤️

Thank you for all the support you give to me through this journey. I know many of you read this and don't comment (about 60 of you) and that's ok. Some of you will offer encouragement when you see me or bring up something I had said in my blog and that means a lot. I'm not one that likes to journey solo; I need companionship. Thank you for traveling with me.

Until next week 😘


  1. It’s anonymous Try-Try again! I’m so pleased that your doctor was able to diagnose and offer relief from your emotions! Being a fellow emotional eater, I can empathize with the struggle and your journey. I’m proud of you, and believe in you 100%!

  2. Awesome progress!
    Emotionally and physically! Keep at it! You got this!

  3. Hi Teresa - it’s Dorine. You are doing GREAT! You are consistent, determined, resilient, always has a good attitude and are achieving your goals! You are a good addition to our group. Yes, you are presenting in December (I believe the second week, December 8), and we are looking forward to it! Keep on keeping on.

  4. Way to go! Glad you got some relief. Sometimes I wonder if I need to go the medical route. Congrats on the loss!

  5. Great job! Depression can go unnoticed and manifest in so many ways! So glad you went in! Keep up the hard, good work!

  6. Hi Teresa, way to go!! Glad you were able to get to the bottom of what is going on. I was once chemically imbalanced and after getting on medication I was able to get control of myself!! Hang in there, love reading your posts!!

  7. Great job and great outlook.


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