TOPS Week 33

I'm back from a fantastic trip with my sisters. We had a wonderful time hiking, eating, and hanging out in the hot tub. I think everyone should take a trip to the mountains with nothing important on your agenda but relaxation.  

I was a little concerned how my weigh-in would go after my trip, but I'm happy to report I lost 1.6 lbs. I did a great job of staying away from major junk foods and even walked out of a cinnamon roll shop without eating a single thing! I bypassed the airport candy shop like it wasn't even there and I made pretty decent choices at every meal. I barely even recognize myself 😁🤣.

I'm still on track to lose the weight I'm hoping to by the end of the year which makes me SO happy. Now, to get through the holidays 😁❤️.

I'll leave you with a picture from my trip. Have a great week everyone and I'll be back in 2 weeks. 😘


  1. I hope that as the days go by that you will find a new normal of just choosing foods that feed your fabulous body and help get you ready for your next chunk of the AT. Thanks for sharing your journey. That smile in your picture makes my heart sing.


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