November First- Day 1 of the rest of my life

 "At that time, when you call, the LORD will answer; when you cry out, he will say, 'Here I am.' Isaiah 58:9a

As I begin typing this morning, I have a heightened sense of knowing I've been here before. Not a single thought I've had is a new one. In fact, I feel like a broken record. I can't help but feel like an addict; one whose family rolls their eyes each and every time she announces that she's ready to stop the drugs and they can't help but immediately think, "I wonder for how long this time."

But, here I am, desperate. Desperate to reclaim my life and my body. Desperate to reclaim my thoughts and actions. Desperate to like myself once more. 

I can't wait for January 1st. I only waited until a Monday because it just happened to be November 1st and I knew I needed to get through Halloween. So, today it begins. Monday, November 1st, 2021 is the beginning of a change in my focus. Over the next several days and weeks I hope to put into words what my struggles have been in an effort to humble myself before God and draw upon HIS strength. My hope is that whoever is led to read my blog will pray with and for me as I surrender.

No more excuses. No more prideful independence. No more procrastination. No more hiding. 

I'm ready to reclaim surrendered ground and find the joy I've lost since 2015, maybe even before that. 

I miss the vitality, energy, love, assurance, confidence, and peace I once had. 

I may never get back to this girl, but this woman needs to find her rock and foundation again. 


  1. I've had a couple people mention they are having trouble commenting here. Is anyone else able to comment?


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