30 Days of Thankful- Day#11

According to Bing, the definition of  a veteran is:
[ véttərən ]
  1. somebody formerly in armed forces: a former member of the armed forces
  2. experienced soldier: a long-serving member of the military who has had much active service
The United States of America is a great place to live. It really is. I may disagree with the president's stand on most issues and I don't have to be afraid to say so. I won't be jailed, I may get slammed on Facebook, but that's my own stupid fault for posting about politics to begin with.

I can wake up every morning and open my Bible and read without fear of someone taking it from me. I can openly walk across the parking lot and go into the building where our church family gathers for worship. No dodging of police involved. No worry of our service being interrupted. We can sing as loud as we want each and every song because we don't have to worry about the neighbor hearing and reporting us.

When we want to take a vacation, we hop in the truck and go. We have the right to go from one end of our great nation to another, on INCREDIBLE, well kept roads!

We get to choose our occupation, or lack thereof.

I can teach my children at home legally.

I can HAVE as many children as I want.

Driving across town I have no fear of being attacked. I do not have fear of much really.

And why is that? Well, outside of the obvious answer (Jesus), we are a free nation, with choices available to us, because of men and women that defend us each and every day and because of the sacrifices made by them and those that were before them.

There may be conflicts and wars that we don't think we should be involved in, but somewhere there is a husband, wife, son or daughter, mommy or daddy that has gone off to fight, never knowing if they will return.

Their reason for doing so is their own, but for me, I am thankful. I have no idea what they go through mentally, emotionally or physically and I will never claim to know, but the sacrifice they make has given me the rights I have today.

The United States of America is a great nation. Not because of who we have or don't have in office, but because of the men and women willing to fight for and defend it.

WE are America.

Thank you Veterans for what you did and still do. You are loved, appreciated, prayed for and a hero to me.


  1. Love it. Couldn't have said it better

    1. Thank you! And thank you for replying on here. It is fun to get comments back :-)


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