30 Days of Thankful-Day #15

Part 2

If my home church had stopped teaching me when I was done with college, I would have been in trouble.

I had just enough knowledge to have no knowledge while thinking I had tons of knowledge.

Bad place to be and sadly, that is where many of our young adults are left.

Today, I am thankful for those deacons and Sunday School teachers that invested in me as an adult.

DABC had a very active deacon ministry. I know this because I was often one being ministered to. I always knew who my deacon was because this man would come visit me. Sometimes he and his wife would have us into their home for dinners in order to know us better. When the deacon's flock changed, I would receive a letter, phone call or visit letting me know who my new deacon was and the new deacon wouldn't skip a beat. He was there to help me through life. He knew my spiritual climate and he knew me. He would be at the hospital when family members were having surgery and he was always a phone call away to give me godly advice and wisdom. I loved my deacons. I still do.

Some have gone on to be with the Lord, while others have had some of their own struggles at which I have been able to bestow their own advice and wisdom back to them. I have been blessed. I believe the role of deacon is one of THE most important roles in the church while being widely misunderstood and underused. Deacons, know your people. Visit your people. Love your people. The investment you make in them matters.

My Sunday School teachers have rocked. Period. Whether they were flying by the seat of their pants or they had studied many hours on their lessons, they were men and women that knew the Bible, believed the Bible, loved the Bible and lived the Bible. I learned so much from those 45 minutes of class. I was always encouraged to ask questions, give thoughts and opinions or express disagreement.

I LOVE Sunday School. LOVE it. Always have and I hope always will. It is a time of opening God's word with other believers and discussing truths that God has revealed to us. It is a time of understanding. A time of exploration. A time of learning. I have never been afraid to say "I don't understand". In fact, it was encouraged to express those emotions. There were plenty of others that also didn't understand or the opposite; plenty of others that did understand and desired for me to understand too.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to ALL my deacons and Sunday School teachers, past and present. Thank you for your time, knowledge and wisdom. Thank you for saying "yes" to the job. Thank you for revealing God's truths and not your own opinions to me. Thank you!!


  1. Those SS classes were some of the best times in learning together about God's Word. I miss those moments of sharing together.


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