30 Days of Thankful- Day #5 & #6

I have a snuggler beside me. She didn't want to get off my lap so I could type, but I managed to get her to agree to sit beside me. This is a victory for me. Kind of. Because now, my lap feels very empty.

Day #5 & #6 I am lumping together in thankfulness. It was something I didn't see coming and now that I have it I am in awe by God's goodness and love.

I am very thankful for my last two children, Isabel and Caleb. They weren't expected, they weren't planned but they filled a giant void in our family.

Back in 2008 I was seriously overweight (along with 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001....well you get the picture). I had given up hope of having any more children. After all, my youngest was almost 6 and that's a whole lot of time between kids. So, I went to my doctor to get my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome under control so that I could begin my weight loss journey. The medication I needed for that prevented me from having children as long as I took it so I knew at that point I was done. I was ok with it. I was to a point in my life that surrendering the dream of a big family to God's will was more important. He didn't have it in the plans, so why was I pursuing it so hard? We had 2 great kids, a boy and a girl (the all American family size and gender dream), with Gabe being our fertility drug baby miracle and so it was time to stop. After all, I wasn't getting any younger.

The thing about pills and medication, they have to be taken regularly for them to be effective. Or at least, for them to effectively do what they were made to do. Instead of regulating my hormones, I missed several pills which caused my ovaries to release an egg.

And now we have Isabel.

Fast forward to 2011. I am getting ready to go on my first mission trip to Chicago to work with the homeless at Uptown Baptist Church. I have been exercising the last 3 months trying to drop off the baby weight from Isabel and I was finally seeing some results. But as last minutes preparations were coming together for this trip, I was sick. I was absolutely exhausted. I was falling asleep in the middle of conversations. I couldn't eat anything and I felt miserable.

You could almost see the light bulb appear above my head the night before I left for Chicago. Sure enough... child number 4 was on the way. I dropped that bomb on Curt and left for Chicago. Needless to say, he didn't take the news so very well. Isabel has always been a handful. She is willful, she is busy, and she is loud. These are not character qualities that Curt deals well with and the thought of one more like that scared him.

But God knows what we need far more than we do.

Isabel is like the sun. She is warm, loving and full of life. She can make us laugh harder than we have ever laughed while being left amazed at her intelligence. God has given her a personality that bubbles out of her every pore. I can not WAIT to see what purpose He has for her in His kingdom. And I believe with all that I am that He has something great in store for her. All for His glory.

Caleb is my baby. He makes me sad in some ways because I know he is my last and he doesn't like being cuddled and snuggled and held all day long. He wants to explore the world, with Isabel of course, and mom needs to just get out of the way.

These two little ones remind us that laughter, love, excitement, joy and fun are necessary for life. It would be very easy with the quietness and seriousness of our older two to slip into boring routines. Thank you Lord, for knowing we needed fun. Thank you Lord, for knowing we needed light heartedness. Thank you Lord, for knowing we needed Isabel and Caleb.

They are pretty awesome.


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