TOPS Week 3

Well, I missed 2 weeks of TOPS because we moved and then went to Illinois to celebrate Christmas with family. 

I wish I could just leave it at that. Ugh 

I knew this was going to be an ugly weigh in. I ate like it was Christmas and moving was so stressful.

SO.... I showed a gain this week. It's not the end of the world, but I wish it had gone the other direction.

Things I did well these last couple weeks: I stayed away from soda. I started eating healthier food for breakfast. I increased my water intake.

We are no longer working on the house so I'm able to establish a routine again. My goal this next week is to increase the veggies on my plate and increase my outdoor activity level. 

Current stumbling block: I have a fear that increasing my activity level will increase my muscle, which will show a gain on the scale. It has truly hampered me from doing any type of exercise. I know in the long run it will be better for me and that I need to concentrate on being healthy, not the scale, but I still go down that path. I hate how unhealthy my thinking gets.

Inspiration this week: I'm reading The Pursuit of Endurance by Jennifer Pharr Davis. In it, she quotes a camp counselor she had who said, "if you never fail then you haven't set your goals high enough." Well... Fear of failure stops me from setting goals and going after them. Recognition is part of the battle. Failure will happen, but I'm not about to quit because of it. Jennifer also tells the story of Scott Williamson. He has set numerous FKT records on the PCT. The interesting part about his story, he has failed more than he has succeeded. That gives me some hope and drive.


  1. The scale can be really discouraging. Try to measure your success on how you feel and how your clothes are fitting :) We always want to have a "number," but the numbers sometime lie. Keep up the good work!


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