When. Will. I. Learn????!!!!!?????

The following is a true story, written by someone that should have known better.

Saturday morning I ran the farthest distance I have run consecutively to date; 11 miles. I was pumped. I came home and jumped on the scale because I love seeing the number dip below my actual weight after a run. It gives me hope that one day that will be my actual weight.

Except Saturday, the number wasn't low. It was 4 lbs heavier than my last recorded weight.

Not cool.

I just assumed it was an off day and waited to weigh myself on Sunday at the appointed time I usually weigh myself.

Sadly, the numbers revealed I now weighed FIVE pounds heavier than my last recorded weight.

Really. Not. Cool.

So I did what most women do when they get bad news. I ate.

I ate and I ate and I ate and I ate.

Then we went on an 11 1/2 mile bike ride to town and back. NOW, things would be better.

Monday I got on the scale and sure enough... still 5 lbs up.

So I ate.

Monday through Wednesday I found myself in a downward spiral of depression and hopelessness. The scale hated me and I hated it. I did something I haven't done in months; I waited for Curt to leave the house and I ate food I know is terrible for me. I drove out of my way to buy food I know I shouldn't eat. I became the closet eater I swore I would never become again.

Today I woke up with a new resolve. I woke up, gave myself back over to Jesus and stepped on the scale.

Down to where I was before Saturday.

Stupid scale.

Lesson learned: The scale only gives a measurement of what our body weighs. It can not measure fitness level, nutritional levels nor our stress and emotional levels.

The scale is only one measure of health. When will I quit letting it control me?!?!?!


  1. Thank you so much for sharing this, Teresa. I've been there so many times. I go there far too often. I'm there now. Those idols creep in so easily. Yesterday my excuse was that I was so tired I just had to eat more, and more, and more, for energy. Of course, I just got more sluggish. Today I was greeted with your blog link :) The Lord is my strength. I will look to Him alone. May He bless you this week with a special awareness of the most important measure of health: a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. You, dear cousin, exemplify this so well. Your heart and life are His. It is beautiful to behold :)

    1. I love you!!! I just saw your response on here. I'm so glad you were able to find some encouragement. Keep up the fight!!!


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