30 Days of Thankful- Day #26 and beyond

The tornado changed everything. Not only did it change the lives of the people living in Washington, but it changed us, living 120 miles away, forever. No longer can I look at certain landmarks and bask in the memories, it is those memories I must use to remember the landmarks. When going "home" I can no longer run into a familiar face and casually ask, "How are you?" Many of those faces have faced dangers I have only seen on tv and survived. They are piecing back together the broken remains of their homes, belongings and lives.

When I think about being thankful, it is the people I have encountered along the way that remind me of what is truly important and what I should be thankful for each and every day of my life.

Here is a short list of the things I would have blogged about, had the tornado not disrupted life:

#1 Memories- I don't believe we should live in the past, but memories are something I can look back on and reflect on. Some memories aren't as pleasant as others, but memories are events from my past that have created me into the person I am today. Thank you, Lord, for my memories of the people I love, the friends I have laughed with, the fun times of my youth, and the lessons learned along the way.

#2 Family- If you want to see what can come from poverty, a father that loses his way and "disappears" for 4 years, joblessness, living paycheck to paycheck and latchkey kids, then look no further than these 3 Gray girls. We had a mother that pulled it together and somehow managed to raise us through the teen years with minimal damage. My mom has faults, but she is a rock. She has a determination that pushes through the toughest of circumstances and ends up battle worn, but stronger on the other side. I am so thankful to God for her.

My middle sister, Sandy, has that same determination. My mom and Sandy are very much alike, which can cause "interesting" "discussions". They have both been through extremely hard times which have shaped them into the rock hard women they are today. Life lessons have hurt my sister on many levels, but she is still in the fight. Her awesome qualities? They are numerous. If you need something done, count on her to get it done in half the time you thought it would require. She rolls up her sleeves and doesn't stop until the job is done. Need motivation? She's your man! She is your biggest cheerleader and will push you until you  have reached whatever goal you have set. She is spunky, determined, energetic, bullheaded, has a heart larger than any I know and just plain fun to be around. I love her and I hope one day I can be for her all that she has been for me through the years.

My youngest sister, Danielle, is my first child. No, I didn't give birth to her, but with Mom working 3 different jobs I was the one that was with her the most through some tough times. I am proud of the woman she is today. She is a dedicated employee, a loving wife for her man, and a devoted mother to her beautiful 2 (almost 3) year old. She is kind, bites her tongue while I spout my mouth, and can make anyone feel at ease within moments of being with her. She is gracious, loving and forgiving. I admit...I take some credit for that, but it wasn't me, it's her; all her.

#3 Circumstances- I had planned on saying quite a bit here, but a phone call I just received has rocked me hard and I will cut this short. The story I had planned to tell is a good one, but will have to wait.

The phone call I just received is a reminder that life is short, and situations change quickly. A dear man I love very much just found out he has cancer and I am heartbroken. My husband is on his way back home so that we can go visit the family and minister to them. Please pray for us, this will be a very difficult time for many.

Especially pray for his wife and family. This is the type of news that everyone fears.

Thank you, my friends.


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