Giving Up


Isn't that a beautiful sight?

It's been a couple weeks since I last wrote. Since my last post I have been on another canoe trip, done a soft start to the school year, resumed working at the bakery, and quit trying to lose weight 3 or 4 times. 

The canoe trip was absolutely wonderful. It's so hard to get together with friends at this stage of my life, so this trip was particularly wonderful. We rested and relaxed for 5 days. 

We floated on rafts

Played games

Spent time meditating and reflecting on God's word.

Hanging out (literally)

Had a couple campfires

Watched a sunrise and sunset... Or four

And just spent time building friendships that can get pushed aside with the busyness of life, kids, and jobs. 

It was refreshing and so desperately needed. 

But since I've been back I haven't tried very hard to lose weight. In fact, I'd say I've done quite the opposite. It wasn't a shock when the scale showed a weight gain. 

What is shocking, is my lack of motivation right now. I'm not sure how to get that back. 

And that's where I'm going to leave this blog. I'm going to leave you without a wrap up or plan for the next week, because that's where I'm at mentally. I just don't know what to do.


  1. I know you aren't giving up. I feel and can relate to everything you expressed. We have ebbs and flows in our life that we can't really control. The important thing is that you keep your head above water until you can swim again. It's okay to just float for a while and gain your strength back. It will return and probably with a vengeance.
    Glad you were able to get out with friends and relax. It's so helpful to be able to give your brain a break from the realities of life for a bit.


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