Another Year

I woke up around 4 this morning unable to go back to sleep. This happens often and I usually lay there for a good hour attempting to slow my heart rate and breathing to lull my body back to sleep. But occasionally I know that it is the Holy Spirit awakening me for a reason. This morning was one of those times. As I unbundled myself from my cocoon of blankets, I made my way to the rocking recliner and spent some time in prayer. It wasn't very long before I knew the reason I was awakened at such an early hour. After prayer, I took time to do my morning devotions and chose a new reading plan for the upcoming year. Years ago, the pastor of our home church challenged us to read the Bible through in a year and I have done it almost every year since. There's even been a year or two that I read it through twice. This isn't a study of God's word, simply an ingesting of it; kind of like taking a daily vitamin. It is something I need on a daily basis and the days I don't can...