TOPS Week 21

This week I had a few stressful events, which, of course, caused me to want to eat. I didn't, but I really wanted to. I wish I could say I chose to go for a walk instead, but I didn't. I just kind of sat and cried and stared at the walls.

I hate how I react to stress.

Anyway, I lost .4 pounds. I'm trying to not be discouraged by the tiny amounts of loss I've had and instead focus on the fact that it's the downward trend that's important and the fact that it was a loss and not a gain. If I had gained .4 I would have been upset, SO I'm forcing myself to be excited about a loss. Even if it's a tiny one. 

I hurt my calf on my run Monday. I should have run yesterday, but I'm putting it off until Friday. I'm hoping it'll be fine by then. I've been wearing my calf compression sleeve and rolling it out. I can't feel the injury when I walk and I was able to hike a portage last night, so fingers crossed.

I can tell in pictures that my body is changing. That has taken a long time. Obviously I'm not happy with how much fat I have, but I'm not dying when I see pictures now. 

My hot flashes continue to intensify the more I exercise. That part is frustrating. I only had a couple when I went through menopause and none for over 2 years. Now I have a couple a day. 

I'm just cursed 🙄

See you next week 😘


  1. That's half a pound loss! I like your perspective of "If I had gained .4, I would be upset". It's true. We didn't gain our weight at 1 pound a week...we can't expect to lose it so quickly, but I DO understand the frustration. I'm just proud of how you've been so dedicated and also kind to yourself when you've slipped a bit. I'm doing a silent cheer for you, from miles away! You got this!


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