TOPS Week 12

 I missed a week. Not sure if anyone noticed 😉. Last Thursday we were driving home from the North Shore, so I didn't make it to my meeting. 

I am SO proud of myself. I am proud that I resisted Easter candy. I'm proud that I went on vacation and managed to not eat ANYTHING I shouldn't have. I said no to ice cream. I said no to some fantastic looking desserts. I was even able to avoid eating dinner at the "typical" dinner time because we had a late lunch and I just wasn't hungry. 

I am SO proud of that last one. I said no to eating a meal. I didn't need it, I wasn't hungry, and somehow I still survived to see breakfast at a regular time! 

I just got a Fitbit. I'm excited to see how it changes my attitude towards movement. I've noticed that I'm pretty content to sit around lazily until it's time to go workout. Seems counterproductive, so my new goal is to move as much as possible all day. We'll see how that goes.

I'm up to 4 miles on my running. I'm ready to move outdoors. The treadmill for an hour is tough. 

With my bigger goal being the half marathon in September, I have a shorter term goal for the end of June. We are planning a short backpacking trip on the AT when we are in Tennessee for a family reunion. Super stoked!!

I'm down 2.6 pounds and my sister is KILLING me on Tuesday Tabata days. I can't wait to see the difference in a couple months!

Me, after getting to run outside 2 Saturdays ago. ❤️


  1. I’m proud of you also!!! I don’t think I could have succeeded on vacation!! I’m impressed!

    1. What are Tuesday Tabata days? Also WAY TO GO!!

    2. It's a torture session... 🤣
      Basically it's doing weight-bearing exercises (mountain climbers, planks, situps, squats, etc) for 20 seconds, then 10 second rest for 8 reps. You get a one minute rest before doing the next set of whatever it is. The goal is to do as many the last round as you did the first..

  2. Awesome! You’re doing great! I love my Fitbit. I can keep track of exercise I do and food I eat and it does the math so I know if I need to do a little more exercise if I eat just a little too much in a given day!! Plus it will tell me to get moving, I’ve sat too long. 😅❤️


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