November 4- Such a battle

"As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool repeats his folly." Proverbs 26:11 This is me. Over and over. 2 Peter tells us that we are enslaved to whatever defeats us. I'm a slave to food. I don't know why I can't overcome this. What is it within my own heart that stops me from complete surrender? Part of it is a feeling that I don't deserve to be healthy, active, and in shape. I have this absolutely sickening sense of, "You are nothing. You deserve nothing. You should remain nothing." I'm well aware of how unhealthy this way of thinking is. I KNOW it is a lie, but I wallow in it, hating myself more and more. I'm hoping today will be the last day of confessions. Truthfully, I feel like I have one more day of needing to confess before I turn the corner and begin the long road of allowing God to work in me, because that's what is needed. I have to allow God to work. I have to surrender. I have to make the choice; daily, hourly and even ...