Silence = Death Sentence

I have such a heavy heart this morning.

It is heavy because of my own failings, sin and disobedience.

It is heavy because this day, today, I know where I have given in to society, world thoughts, fears, and shame.

I know that in trying to love, I have held back true love.

I realize that by only "walking the walk" I have, in all actuality, done nothing.

Recently we have had several people from our past die. A couple have been celebrations of life. Too many have been awakenings to my closed mouth and ridiculous fear.

The celebrations have come from knowing that the person who died, beyond any doubt, were believers in Christ. They were not just believers, they were followers. They had made the decision to make Christ the Lord of their life. They were disciples. They knew whom they loved and they walked the path laid before them. They had died to the person they once were and had become a completely new creation because of Jesus. Gone were the old ways of doing things and in its place was a beautiful new person, complete with all the fruits the Holy Spirit gives us. None of this means they were perfect people, rather, they were very aware they were not perfect and were in desperate need of a Savior.

On the flip side, I have seen the death of some that I knew there was no evidence of salvation.

Before I go any further, I want it to be known that I am not God. I am not the judge and jury on whether a person is saved (heaven bound) or lost (condemned to the eternal fires of hell). What I am, is a person convicted of the silence in her life. I am a person that believes the Bible. I am someone that has felt the guilt of a closed mouth for far too long.

I am a person that has been ashamed to share Jesus with people.

I have given in to the lie that people will know by my actions I am a follower of Christ and will be led to the cross simply by observing how I live my life.

It is one of Satan's biggest victories in my life.

Because frankly, I mess up. A lot. People might know I have gone to church my whole life. People may know I have taught Sunday School most of my adult life. People may know I am married to a pastor (Still shocked over that one). People know they can come to me with prayer requests and I will pray for them. People know that if they need help finding something in scripture I might be able to help. But NONE of that matters. Zero. Zilch. Makes absolutely no difference.

Because apart from Christ covering me with himself and saving me from the wrath of a Holy God, I am just a nice person with education and care for people.

Actual conversations:
"Hey, Teresa, would  you pray for me? I know you go to church and so, if you could pray for me while I am trying to get this job, that would be great."

"Teresa, my sister has cancer, would you say some prayers for her? I know you go to church and maybe that would help."

"I am sure God hears you when you pray because you go to church all the time and worry about people. I hope one day to start going to church, but right now, I have these kids to worry about."

"I'm glad you go to church. It makes me feel closer to God when I talk to you. I just hope that when I die I've done enough good things to get in to heaven. If not, look out Satan!"

Yep.... the fact that I go to church isn't a secret. But apparently why I go to church is.

Where have I missed the boat? How is it that people see my life, but they don't see Christ?

Because I am silent.

Because I am afraid people will think I am nuts.

Because I worry about offending someone; their not wanting to be my "friend" any longer. I worry they will talk behind my back when I leave.

I worry more about what they think of me here and now than what they will think of me on the day of Judgement.

Take a moment and watch this clip and then come back and I'll give you my last couple thoughts:

Penn on sharing your faith

How much must I hate the people that I claim to love, but never share Jesus with?

How much must I hate my Facebook friends when I keep thoughts out of posts because I may annoy my agnostic or atheist friends?

How much must I hate my family members, whom I know have not chosen the side of Christ (because not choosing is choosing), and I say nothing!?!

How much must I hate.... when God has called us to love.

The true representatives of Jesus are few. The vocal majority are giving my Jesus a bad name and I sit here and close my mouth for fear of offense, for fear of being shamed, for fear of looking like an idiot.

And around me, people I love are dying and going to hell because I say nothing. And yes, I believe the Bible teaches this. It doesn't take much investigation to realize this is taught throughout the Bible, even by Jesus himself. God gives us a choice. He will never spiritually rape us into choosing Him. Ever.

I will no longer buy into the lie that "they" will see Christ in my life and want to know more. I will no longer buy into the lie that seeing how I live will point "them" to Christ.

Paul didn't walk around doing good, he spoke.
Jesus didn't just walk around doing good, He spoke.

I shall too.


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