Random Thoughts

I have been kicking around for some time what I want to blog about next. I have had several thoughts running through this ever busy brain and this morning I decided I am just going to post all my thoughts, in no particular order, so they can quit bouncing around inside like my two littles on their beds after week 200 million of being cooped up inside from this ridiculously long and very cold winter.

1. Last year after all the mild temps I heard time after time, "Bugs are going to be bad this year. No hard freeze to kill them off." Well.... we've had several hard freezes, we better have next to zero bugs or I'm going to start using bug spray on every person that says this from now on. Including myself.

2. I'm awfully proud of myself for not complaining about the cold on Facebook. Why state the obvious?

3. Curt has lost enough body fat now to complain about the cold with me so I feel no need to draw others into my pity party. We've got a pretty good rhythm going, just the two of us.

4. The coldest steps when running outside in these temps, are the two out the front door. 

5. Never tell a person that is losing weight that they have lost enough. We see what is under our clothes. We see the scale. Trust us, anyone that has been overweight knows how to hide fat. When we say we have X number of pounds to go still, we really DO have X number of pounds to go still.

6. The only exception to #5 is if you see signs of an eating disorder. Then by all means....intervene.

7. We all have excuses for why we can't do something or why something won't work for us. Until we see them for ourselves as what they really are, excuses, nothing will change. 

8. People who pray when they say they will pray, repeatedly, are treasures.

9. Marrying your best friend is a blessing. If you didn't marry your best friend, rectify that situation.

10. I do not mean divorce in #9.

11. If you don't know what I mean by #9 & #10 stop reading my list of random thoughts.

12. Our children were given to us by God to raise. Some of us share genetics with them. Some of us do not. But in the end, they don't belong to us, they belong to God. Raise them as if you are raising His children.

13. I think if we had Jesus in a bodily form sitting in our homes every day we'd act a whole lot differently.

14. I never wanted to be a housewife. A stay at home mother, yes, but NEVER a housewife. There is a difference.

15. I hate my weaknesses. 

16. Most people want to be liked. When there is a feeling of not being liked, it makes life miserable. 

17. I'm tired of being miserable.

18. Teenagers drive me crazy. Their whole thought process is out of whack no matter how "good" of a kid they happen to be. 

19. Weight loss is hard. It takes hard work and determination. 

20. I need to blog about Curt and I's weight loss journey.

21. Peter, James, John and Paul are cooler than we can ever realize.

22. I don't pray enough.

23. I miss having a dog.

24. The sun shining makes everything a little bit better. Even cold temperatures.

25. I am more nervous about running this 15K trail run in 2 weeks than the half marathon I am signed up for in April.

26. My phone is a life sucker. I need to break away from it for a few days.

27. I really need to blog about our weight loss. Better get on that right now. Thanks for reading this random list.


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