Silence = Death Sentence
I have such a heavy heart this morning. It is heavy because of my own failings, sin and disobedience. It is heavy because this day, today, I know where I have given in to society, world thoughts, fears, and shame. I know that in trying to love, I have held back true love. I realize that by only "walking the walk" I have, in all actuality, done nothing. Recently we have had several people from our past die. A couple have been celebrations of life. Too many have been awakenings to my closed mouth and ridiculous fear. The celebrations have come from knowing that the person who died, beyond any doubt, were believers in Christ. They were not just believers, they were followers. They had made the decision to make Christ the Lord of their life. They were disciples. They knew whom they loved and they walked the path laid before them. They had died to the person they once were and had become a completely new creation because of Jesus. Gone were the old ways of doing things...