This may be hard to believe, but I am not always obedient. Never have been. Now, don't get me wrong, I was a good kid and really didn't give my mother or father much grief, but there were still times I was disobedient. Nothing in particular stands out from my past about the times I was disobedient to my parents, but I know there WERE times and for those times, I, of course am sorry. (really) Disobedience is a funny thing. There is always some "good" reason behind our act and at the time it seems all consuming and more important than the act of obedience, otherwise, why would we do it? Maybe the issue is pride. Maybe the issue is I just don't want to. Maybe the issue is showing the other person they don't have control over our life, but no matter the reason, we have decided that what we want to do is more important than listening to someone else. There have been two different times in my life that disobedience paid a big price for me. Both situations are...