2022 Recap

It's that time of year! My annual recap is always a source of fun for me. My memory isn't quite what it used to be, so going through pictures helps me remember all the good things we did. What a picture doesn't show: struggles, mental battles, heartache, and moments of despair. For those reading this now, I want to preface this blog with the fact that these photos show the things we did. Every year I hear things like, "Oh, how I wish my life was like yours" or "You never seem to let anything bother you." Our life isn't perfect, we have real struggles just like everyone, but I also have a God that I trust in who is always there, no matter what happens and because of Him I can look back with joy. Without any other further explanations or clarification, I give you the Ely Eberts 2022 in review: January We began the year on 3rd Avenue East, but about half way through the month we were able to get moved into the Harvey Street house. This would not hav...