Ye Of Little Faith
I've never sat down and read through all of my blog entries at one time. I imagine if I did, the theme would be something along the lines of, "Here's what Teresa did. Don't be like Teresa." Or, "Here's what Teresa did. But God..." At least, that's how it feels. I've never been one to hide my feelings or emotions very well. I can promise you that if I'm sad, I look sad. If I am full of happiness, my smile is contagious. I can't play poker. I imagine that if I was an actor I would be along the lines of Heath Ledger where I encompass every part of my character or I just wouldn't be able to do it. I struggle with slapping a smile on my face when I am not actually happy. This isn't to say I don't know how. In fact, I have leftover issues from doing it all through my teen years but that's a totally different story and not at all relevant to what happened this morning. Or better yet, what has been happening the last yea...