Hearing God's Call
Today is the day. I'm sure of it. I don't know why today is the day and not yesterday or six months ago, but today is the day. I haven't felt the need to do this until right now, but the urgency to get this written down is so strong that I can't do anything else until I have my every remembrance on paper. My prayer is that I can stay focused, true, and unemotional. We've had two major questions asked of us since March 5. The first is "Why?" and the second has been "Now what?" Neither of which do we know the answer. We DO know how we got to this point and that's what I need to share today. How in the world did you guys end up jobless and homeless? That's easy to answer. God said. Of course you'll want some elaboration so I will oblige. In the summer of 2016 Curt and I spent a week in the Boundary Waters. In order to paddle the Boundary Waters, it is necessary to portage. Portaging is going from body of water to b...