
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Summer of Lessons

I have to be very careful as I write this blog post. I want to give words of encouragement for many of our friends that are going through difficult times while holding fast to Psalm 19:14. It's a balancing act, especially since some of the lessons we have learned are still fresh events. As I ponder this past summer I do so with fresh wounds and scars, but immense growth. We don't become stronger without resistance and we have seen our fair share of growth recently. I wait with anticipation and longing for what God has planned and will use us to do. In the meantime, I have to keep myself in check and not guess or insert my own thoughts, doing so has gotten us in trouble in the past, but that's a lesson learned I'll discuss in just a moment.... And so, without any further delay, I give you the lessons I (possibly we) have learned this summer. 1) Do not live your life based on what others think you should be doing. This has nothing to do with God's call on our life...