Goodbye 2017-The Hardest and Best Year of My LIfe

It's that time of year! As I begin to ponder putting together my annual year end blog, I can't help but feel as if I have been completely run over by 2017. SO much happened in the space of a short time. No need for me to sit and dwell on it here in the opening paragraph, I'll get right to it! January We began the new year with a hike on the Illinois River Bluff Trail (IRBT). For Christmas we all received lots of new backpacking and camping gear and we were excited to try it all out. The temperatures were extremely mild for January 1 in Central Illinois and we had a great time on our "First Day Hike." When the weather didn't cooperate, the littles would just camp inside. This little boy was super excited to wear PJs that were very similar to Daddy's. Emily rocked out her first semester at Union with this celebratory award. Even more new gear was purchased. Our plans were to hike a section of the Smoky Mountains in July. My f...