Lessons From the Boundary Waters

Where does a dream begin? I'm not entirely sure. Some begin with a story. Some with a picture. Others with an idea. Where did this dream begin? I have absolutely no idea. It was probably a part of his DNA. Most of you know that my husband Curt is losing his eyesight. It's a process that has been happening since our mid 30's and it has been one of the most difficult things we have ever had to go through. We have been on an unspoken quest to do and see as much as we can before, well, you know, before... For the past year and a half, maybe longer, Curt's quest has been to go to the Boundary Waters in North Eastern Minnesota. Going to Ely and experiencing the raw beauty of the wilderness is a bucket list item and he has worked tirelessly towards that end goal. The last 6 months of my life have been spent preparing physically and mentally for a completely primitive, outdoor experience. We've spent hours at the Y in the Strive room preparing our muscles to portage and...