2016 What a year. It's been one of the most bizarre years I can ever remember. Most of America is ready for it to go away, but honestly, I'm not so sure next year is going to be much better. Or the next... Or the next <sigh> I've decided to take a personal look at 2016 and measure it based on memories we have made as a family. If I solely look at 2016 from a national or even global standpoint, I'm not sure I can remain positive, so here is my personal list of memories for 2016 in chronological order. January: My brother-in-law & stepdad graduated from fire school. Now, I'm not even going to pretend to know what the actual title was of what they graduated from, because I have no clue. What I do know; they worked really hard, for many hours, weeks, and months to achieve their goal of this moment. Their families also sacrificed in order for this graduation to happen and my hat is off to them all! My grandpa saw another trip around the sun to ...