
We hear preachers preach on it all the time. The countless sermon illustrations demonstrating the legacy someone has left behind are almost too numerous to count, but there is a reason these stories are told so often; we all need an example to follow. Recently, Curt and I have been going through our "stuff." Everyone has stuff, some of us more than others, but our stuff has gotten to the point that it has taken over our lives. The last two moves have made it impossible to have stuff and utilize the limited living space we have. In other words, goodbye stuff. We have no basement for storage, so everything has been piled into our garage. Boxes, tubs and shelving units, all full of items we thought we needed. It seemed to be an insurmountable task, but I was ready to take it on. In hindsight, I wasn't quite prepared emotionally for what was before me. When my dad died, we were faced with cleaning out his apartment in a short amount of time. It was a time of healing f...