
Showing posts from January, 2014

What I Wish I Could Tell My 20 Something Year Old Self

As Curt and I are on this weight loss journey, we have taken many moments to look back on our life together. We have reminisced about the many times we have started, and subsequently stopped, losing weight, and the "reasons" behind doing so. It has made me ponder about the way things have turned out for us and "from whence" we came. I believe learning from the past is essential to growth but there are some things I would love to go back and tell my 20 something self and avoid having to fix those things now. Develop Exercise Habits Seriously. Why oh why didn't I do this when I was actually in shape and healthy? There is probably a small part of me that knew I could get out of shape and gain weight, but I didn't take that seriously. At no other time in my life have I actually had the time to develop good habits of exercise, and how did I choose to spend it? Watching TV and hanging out in various places on my rear end. And while I sat on said rear end, it ex...